Change Your Life

Live Out Loud

Mind Movies
Mind Movie is a short 3 minute video filled with powerful affirmations, and emotionally inspiring images. By watching this video twice a day you are commanding the universe to bring you the people, and resources required to make your dreams a reality. Create your own now!

The 11 Forgotten Laws

Learn the other Laws of the Universe and get ready for a major life transformation.

The Tapping Solution

Take charge of your physical and emotional well-being. Your body is more powerful than you can imagine… filled with life, energy, and a compelling ability for self-healing. With EFT, you can take control of that power.

TUT Adventurers Club

FREE to join! An online community of like-minded individuals. Create your own visionboards to help manifest your dreams into reality, make friends, chat, connect.

infinite possibilities, mike dooley
