Never Too Late


At 36, and with 4 young kids, I'm learning a new skill ... ice skating.

Really.  Took me that long.

Well, I couldn't have learned it in the Philippines as a young adult coz it was costly. I couldn't have learned it in Canada as a wife coz I was busy having babies one after another. And I couldn't have learned it here in US as a visitor coz it's not within the budget.

But then again, when you're into the LOA (Law of Attraction), there's really no excuse for not doing the things you would like to do and try even for the first time. There is really no excuse for not dreaming anymore.

Try reading "The Secret to Attracting Money" by Dr. Joe Vitale, "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life" by Dr. Wayne Dyer or "The Power of Now" by Echart Tolle, or reading "Ask And It Is Given" by Abraham-Esther Hicks, or watching "The Secret", "The Shift", "You Can Heal Your Life" or "There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem", and see if they will not compel you to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.

So, I decided that our budget won't hinder me from checking off this item on my Bucket List. I scouted for Black Friday deals on Ice Skates. I figured it would be best to just buy our own skates rather than rent everytime we wanna practice. Bryant Park has "The Pond" and it offers free admission but the rental is $12, multiply that by 3 (well, I couldn't leave out my hubby and daughter while I go fulfilling my dream, could I? I mean, they haven't tried Ice skating, too, you know)

And let me tell you, once you make your decision, the Universe will just take over.

First, it led me to Timeoutkids NY where I read that City Ice Pavillion was gonna have its Grand Opening on Nov. 21. There was gonna be a party with FREE skating, rentals and refreshments. FREE? How cool is that?

Then, on the day itself, while we were looking for the venue, guess what we found?

A Goodwill Outlet! You betcha, I rushed to the skates section immediately. And as if by some miracle, all our sizes were available. No kidding. I got mine brand new, by the way, but heck if I care if it was overly-used? I'm just saying, I got lucky it was brand new. Take a look (this was taken after I've used it a couple of times):

I'd say it's pretty chic for $2 bucks, don't you think? What can I say? The universe can be so grand.

P.S. I also found this gem for $1. Talk about becoming a money magnet. This is priceless!


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